It is a church of friendship...
Nothing quite compares to the joy of Christian friendship. That is why we at Cornerstone, make it a point of having adult fellowships, to help build lasting bonds within our church family. With genuine concern and commitment to one another, this local body of believers is growing and we would love for it to include you.
It is a church of learning...
Studying the Word of God is vital because it instructs us and guides us in our spiritual growth. Learning its truth is a thrilling adventure. Our Sunday School and Jr. Church classes are taught by loving, caring teachers for all age groups, who strictly teach the Word of God.
It is a church of service...
Jesus Christ came "not to be ministered unto, but to minister." We accept our God given responsibility to reach out to others with the Gospel message and to be at service to others. We encourage our members to find an area of service in our church to fulfill God's Great Commission. Members participate in different ministries such as door knocking, Sunday School teaching, Jr. Church assistance, nursery service, van ministry, choir and nursing home visits. We also encourage participate in Faith Promises Missions to help fulfill the our duty to world wide missions.
It is a church of worship...
We meet together on Sundays and Wednesdays to focus our love and attention on God, giving Him our all in all, in worship and praise, while receiving spiritual manna from relevant and practical sermons. Each services affords us the blessing and the inspiration for a special time of spiritual refreshment.